2024 წლის 6 მარტს, USAID -ის სამართლის უზენაესობის პროგრამის მხარდაჭერით, პარალეგალებთან ერთად გაიმართა შეხვედრა აბაშის მუნიციპალიტეტის მერიაში ადგილობრივ მოსახლეობასთან. შეკრებილ საზოგადოებას მისასალმებელი სიტყვით მიმართა აბაშის მუნიციპალიტ..
Representatives of the Legal Aid Service(LAS) attended a conference on the practical application of artificial intelligence and modern technologies, held with the support of the USAID Rule of Law Program on February 27. As part o..
David Simonia, Director of the Legal Aid Service, and Nino Meladze, First Deputy Director, attended the USAID Rule of Law Programme Conference on February 29. The Conference subject was "Making Justice Equally Accessible to All." David S..
On February 27, the officials of the Ozurgeti Legal Aid Bureau, accompanied by the Mobile Consulting Center of the Legal Aid Service, visited the village of Nigvziani, Lanchkhuti Municipality. The residents were fully brie..
The information and mobile consultation campaign of the Legal Aid Service is still ongoing in Guria. On February 25, representatives of Ozurgeti Legal Aid Bureau visited Natanebi village of Ozurgeti Municipality. Head of the bureau, Tsira Mdina..
On February 22, Tsira Mdinaradze, the head of the Ozurgeti Legal Aid Bureau, and Tata Zenaishvili, an attorney, visited the village of Chochkhati , Ozurgeti Municipality, on the Mobile Consulting Centre. In the village a..
The Ozurgeti Legal Aid Bureau representatives visited the Nasakirali township on February 21 as a part of the Legal Aid Service information and mobile campaign. The locals were given the “Public Attorney” periodical, and they ..
The Legal Aid Service mobile information and consultation campaign is currently in full swing in Guria. The Laituri and Naruja townships of the Ozurgeti Municipality were visited by members of the Ozurgeti Legal Aid Bureau on February 20. At their..
A working meeting was held on February 20, 2024, between the attorneys from the Legal Aid Service and the representatives of the "Rights of Georgia" organisation. A representative of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner ..
On February 19, the Mobile Consultation Center of the Legal Aid Service visited the villages of Baileti, Silauri and Jumati of Ozurgeti municipality. The representatives of Ozurgeti Legal Aid Bureau, Marina Kiknadze, Iamze Memarnishvili and Nin..